Let’s make life easier
Everything you need. Free
Some celebrants offer access to portals of content for your wedding – after you book them as your celebrant. These are my resources. Feel free to use them for the wedding I conduct, or steal them and go with someone else!
Everything you need. Free
Some celebrants offer access to portals of content for your wedding – after you book them as your celebrant. These are my resources. Feel free to use them for the wedding I conduct, or steal them and go with someone else!
Reading Ideas
Don’t think all ‘readings’ are religious. There are thousands of great options and clever ideas to satisfy that relative that didn’t make the bridal party but ‘should do something’ in the ceremony.
Suit Options
If the ‘down-to-earth’ salespoint isn’t enough for you, I’ve bought a tonne of quirky suits too…
Ceremony Builder
You probably don’t find yourself getting married everyday, so use this page to check out how a ‘typical’ ceremony is structured and even build your own.